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Assembly Source File
75 lines
;QPRINT.ASM - performs Quick Printing in the QuickBASIC
;Note: Assemble this with MASM (2.0 or later)
;Copyright 1987, Ziff Communications Co.
Code Segment Byte Public 'Code'
Assume CS:Code
Public QPrint
QPrint Proc Far
Begin: Push BP ;save registers for BASIC
Mov AH,3 ;specify BIOS service to read cursor position
Mov BH,0 ;on text page zero
Int 10h ;this service returns row/column in DH/DL
Mov AL,DH ;put the current row number into AL
Mov CL,160 ;multiply by 160 to get start address of row
Mul CL ;do the multiplication, answer ends up in AX
Mov DH,0 ;clear DH for the Add below, we only want DL
Add AX,DX ;add the column once for the character byte
Add AX,DX ;and once more for the attribute byte
Mov DI,AX ;now DI holds starting address on the screen
Xor DX,DX ;zero out DX to look at low memory using ES
Mov BX,0B000h ;assume the mono screen segment for now
Mov AL,ES:[463h] ;look at the video controller port address
Cmp AL,0B4h ;is it mono?
JZ Get_Params ;yes, skip over adding 800h to video segment
Add BX,800h ;no, adjust BX for a color monitor
Push BX ;and save it because the EGA test destroys BX
Mov AH,12h ;specify EGA BIOS EGA special function service
Mov BL,10h ;request EGA info
Int 10h ;call the BIOS
Cmp BL,10h ;if BL is still 10h, there's no EGA
JNZ EGA ;it is an EGA, skip ahead
Mov DX,3DAh ;not EGA, specify port to check for retrace
EGA: Pop BX ;get the video segment again
Get_Params: Mov BP,SP ;get stack pointer so we can find variables
Mov ES,BX ;move whatever segment is correct into ES
Mov SI,[BP+06] ;get the color that was passed
Mov AH,[SI] ;and put it into AH for screen writing below
Mov SI,[BP+08] ;put descriptor to X$ into SI
Mov CX,[SI] ;put Len(X$) into CX for loop counter
JCXZ Exit ;if CX is zero it's a null string, exit now
Mov SI,[SI+02] ;put address of first character in X$ into SI
Cld ;clear the direction flag to move data forward
Check_Mon: Cmp DL,0 ;are we on a mono or EGA system?
JZ Mono ;yes, skip over the retrace stuff
No_Retrace: In AL,DX ;get the video status byte from port number DX
Test AL,1 ;test just the horizontal retrace bit
JNZ No_Retrace ;if doing a retrace, wait until it's not
Retrace: In AL,DX ;get the status byte again
Test AL,1 ;are we doing a retrace now?
JZ Retrace ;no, wait until we are
Mono: Lodsb ;get the character from X$ and increment SI
Stosw ;store both the character and attribute
Loop Check_Mon ;loop until CX is zero
Exit: Pop BP ;restore BP for BASIC
Ret 4 ;return skipping the passed parameters
QPrint Endp
Code Ends
End Begin